Students in Research

Do you want to learn more about research? Then Students in Research (SIF) is something for you!

Students in Research (SIF) is a committee that strives to promote and facilitate students' exploration of research opportunities during their education. SIF works on establishing contact with similar associations both nationally and internationally to create a network of knowledge exchange and collaboration. SIF organizes various events and activities to stimulate interest in research.

Want to know more?

Stay tuned on SIF's Facebook to learn more about the planned events. Do you have an idea for a research-related event that you think might be of interest to students at MF or do you have other ideas? Contact SIF's chairmen via email!


The chairman of SIF works to harness and promote the interest in research among students at MF!

  • Axel Hulthén Sagert

    SIF CHAIRMAN 24/25

  • Arvid Rydström

    SIF CHAIRMAN 24/25