Here you can find information about all our posts and when their regular call period takes place. If the post is not filled, it is vacant, and then it is possible to apply for the post even outside the regular call period.
Board- and FUM-official posts
Medicinska Föreningen’s highest decision-making body is the General Assembly (FUM). The ongoing work is led by the board.
Read more about: The Board and The General Council
+ Council Speaker
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Council Speaker, you chair the General Council (FuM) meetings. You are not afraid to raise your voice and you like order. You know MF's statues by heart to ensure that they are followed during the meetings.
+ Deputy Council Speaker
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Deputy Council Speaker, you chair the General Council (FuM) meetings in absence of the Council Speaker. You are not afraid to raise your voice and you like order. You know MF's statues by heart to ensure that they are followed during the meetings.
+ FUM-Secretary (o)
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As FUM-secretary, you are responsible for recording the minutes of the council meetings. You are a good listener and you write quickly on a computer. Previous secretarial assignments are considered meritorious.
+ FUM-Secretary (s)
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As FUM-secretary, you are responsible for recording the minutes of the council meetings. You are a good listener and you write quickly on a computer. Previous secretarial assignments are considered meritorious.
+ President
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As President, you lead the association together with the Vice President, and are responsible for the overall education monitoring in the association. You should have experience of educational issues, student representation and preferably leadership. Previous experience of education policy and board work is considered meritious. This assignment is remunerated and as chairman you take a study break to work full time with the association.
As president you are also automatically nominated or delegated the following positions: board member in CM, Fakultetens Valberedning, Medicinska Fakultetsledningen, Dekanens Ledningsråd, HMS kommitteer Malmö and Lund, Medicinska Fakultetens Internationella Råd, Grundutbildningsnämnden, Lokalsamordningsnämnden, Med-service styrelse, Utbildningsdimensioneringsgruppen, Kvalitetsutskottet, EGLS,QPS styrgrupp, ALF-grundutbildning och Ledningsgrupp, LUS Ting, LUS Ordförandekollegiet and Programdirektör-nätverket.
+ Vice President
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Vice President, you lead the business together with the President. You have the main responsibility for the association's finances and handle the daily administrative work with payments, accounting and membership in Studentlund. As a Vice, you are structured, service-minded and flexible. You have knowledge of MF's various committees and previous experience of budget work and leadership is seen as meritorious. The post is remunerated and you take a study break to work full time with the association.
As vice president you are also automatically nominated or delegated the following positions: economically responsible in CM, Akademiska Föreningens överstyrelse, Studentlunds stormöte and Terminsräkningsföreningens (TRF) styrelse.
+ Head of Events
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Head of Events, you are primarily responsible for MF's contact with partners, sponsors, the business community and working life in general. As Event Manager, you are also a member of the committees for major events such as Corbalen and Dies Toddyum Magna to be responsible for sponsorship issues and be an extra support for the Vice President. As a person, you should be good at communication, problem solving and working under pressure.
+ Head of Social Activities
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Head of Social Activities, you are responsible for the association's social committees, such as the Novicery, the pub, Ärtan, the brunch, KULU and IDRU. As Head of Social Activities you support the committees in their work during the year and you are helpful with support where needed. As a person, you should be good at communication, problem solving and conflict management.
+ Head of Education
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Head of Education, you maintain contact with the association's education committees and you ensure that student representatives and course representatives have a solid foundation to stand on in their assignment. As Head of Education, you are also chairman of USU and therefore plan and lead the committee's work. You should have previous experience of eductional monitoring work and be good at communication, problem solving and conflict management.
+ Head of Student Health
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Head of Student Health, you are responsible for keeping track of the study environment, both socially and organizationally, as well as physically. You are also responsible, together with the President, for evaluating and investigating how our members are feeling, and taking care of various student matters. You should be solution-oriented and good at conflict management.
AS Head of student health you are also automatically nominated for the CM-common position as HSSO.
+ Head of Communication
Call Period: March
Number of Posts: 1
As Head of Communication, you have the main responsibility for MF's communication, external marketing and towards the association's members. As Head of Communication you manage the association's website and social media, send out newsletters to the association's members and help the board and committees to produce PR material such as posters. You should be creative and solution-oriented.
Committee Chairman posts
The Committee chairmen are responsible for leading and organizing their committee's activities. The Medical Association has over 20 different committees that cover both the association's educational monitoring part and the social activities.
+ Chairman MUR
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As the chairman of MUR, you are passionate about educational issues. You are prepared to spend a lot of time and work on making medical education better! The work is organized via a board that meets and discusses educational issues, and then general meetings where course representatives from all semesters meet and vote on common issues for medical education. To apply for this post, you should have an interest in educational questions and it's beneficial to have been involved in MUR before. How to get involved in MUR can be found under the tab "Educational Councils”.
+ Chairman BUR
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As the chairman of BUR, you are passionate about educational issues. You are prepared to spend a lot of time and work on making education for Biomedicine students better! The work is organized via a board that meets and discusses educational issues, and then general meetings where course representatives from all semesters meet and vote on common issues for biomedical education. To be able to apply for this post, you must have been involved in BUR before. How to get involved in BUR can be found under the tab "Educational Councils”.
+ Chairman LAUR
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As the chairman of LAUR, you are passionate about educational issues. You are prepared to spend a lot of time and work on making education for Speech Therapist and Audionom students better! The work is organized via a board that meets and discusses educational issues, and then general meetings where course representatives from all semesters meet and vote on common issues for speech therapy and audionom education. To be able to apply for this post, you must have been involved in LAUR before. How to get involved in LAUR can be found under the tab "Educational Councils”.
+ Chairman FYS-UR
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As the chairman of FYS-UR, you are passionate about educational issues. You are prepared to spend a lot of time and work on making education for physiotherapists better! The work is organized via a board that meets and discusses educational issues, and then general meetings where course representatives from all semesters meet and vote on common issues for physiotherapist students. To apply for this post, you should have an interest in educational questions and it's beneficial to have been involved in FYS-UR before. How to get involved in FYS-UR can be found under the tab "Educational Councils”.
+ Chairman MPH-UR
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
As chairman of the MPH-Utbildningsråd you are the link between the teachers and administration, Medicinska Föreningen, and the MPH students. Together with your elected board you strive to ensure and improve the MPH program and take responsibility for the MPH economy.
+ Sexmästare
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 2
As a Sexmästare, you are responsible for organizing all parties, big and small, arranged by Medicinska Föreningen. You should have good organizational skills, great patience and be stress-resilient. A demanding but rewarding post! To be able to apply for this position, you must be at least 20 years old.
+ Pub Master
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 4
As Pub Master, you are responsible for the pub nights at Locus Medicus Lundensis. You have a high level of personal integrity and are sufficiently fearless and responsible to be able to maintain calm even in alcohol-related situations. You will work very closely with the Sexmästare in the preparations for and during all MF’s parties. To be able to apply for this position, you must be at least 20 years old.
+ Head Marshal Corbalen
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
As Head Marshal of Corbalen you are responsible for arranging the Corbal, which is Medicinska Föreningen’s annual ball which is arranged together with VÅVS and SSGI. You appoint a Corbal committee to help plan the big ball, which takes place at the end of October each year. As Head Marshal, you are organized and you cherish traditions, but at the same time you do not back down to invent new innovative concepts.
+ Master of Ceremony medicine
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As Master of Ceremony, you work with arranging graduation ceremonies for our students when they graduate. You are organized and good at getting things done, but most importantly you cherish traditions and grand ceremonies.
+ Master of Ceremony biomed
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As Master of Ceremony, you work with arranging graduation ceremonies for our students when they graduate. You are organized and good at getting things done, but most importantly you cherish traditions and grand ceremonies.
+ Master of Ceremony logaud
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As Master of Ceremony, you work with arranging graduation ceremonies for our students when they graduate. You are organized and good at getting things done, but most importantly you cherish traditions and grand ceremonies.
+ Master of Ceremony physio
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As Master of Ceremony, you work with arranging graduation ceremonies for our students when they graduate. You are organized and good at getting things done, but most importantly you cherish traditions and grand ceremonies.
+ Toddy Day Chairman
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
The Big Toddy Day, Dies Toddyum Magna, is one of Medicinska Föreningen’s big celebrations. It is traditionally held in the spring and includes events during the day, the premiere of the Toddyspex, a dinner and a party organized by Sexmästeriet. As Toddy Day Chairman (often called Toddy Mother/Father) you are responsible for organizing this grand day. As Toddy Mother/Father, you should be good at organizing and making sure things get done. It is also an advantage if you are good at communicating as there are several parties who will collaborate on this big day.
+ Choir Leader Ultraljud
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
As a choir leader for Ultraljud, you are responsible for leading the singing meetings, the post therefore requires a great singing experience and a certain knowledge of music theory.
+ Sports Foreman
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 3
As Sports Foreman, you are responsible for leading Medicinska Föreningen’s sports activities and keeping our members moving. This means that you as Sports Foreman must lead a number of activities a week and be responsible for hall bookings. The activities generally take place during the weekday evenings. You should be a good leader and have good collaboration skills as well as a great interest in sports and movement.
+ Pea Master
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 4
As Pea Master, you are responsible for serving pea soup every Thursday at Locus Medicus Lundensis. You have good collaboration skills as well as a certain cooking knowledge. Passion for peas is a requirement.
+ Brunch Master
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 4
As a Brunch Master, you are responsible for serving brunch at Locus Medicus Lundensis every other week. You have good collaboration skills as well as a certain cooking knowledge. The post for you as a sourdough hipster or cupcake fan!
+ KULU-foreman
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
As KULU-chairman, you are responsible for arranging cultural events for MF's members. A post with great freedom. The activities can be anything from chocolate tastings to sewing classes, military training, dance training, the croquet club, opera visits, etc.
+ Novice General
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 6
Novice Generals are six students appointed by Medicinska Föreningen to be responsible for the novice period. As a Novice General, you are responsible for planning and executing the entire novice period. This entails intensive work for three weeks during the novice periods, as well as in the weeks leading up to the novice period. As a Novice General you work great under pressure, you have good collaboration skills and (most importantly) you are a good leader.
+ Corpus Laborans Chairman
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 6
As Chairman of Corpus Laborans, you are, together with the rest of the committee, responsible for the organization and execution of the labor market day Corpus Labornas. You have a good overview of the labor market for the various programs within MF, but above all you have many ideas about how a labor market day should be implemented and a drive to realize these. Furthermore, you possess good collaboration skills and are creative and solution-oriented.
+ Sonden Editor
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
Sonden is Medicinska Föreningens online student newspaper. As an editor, you lead Sonden's editorial staff in the work of making a good magazine regarding articles, layout and advertisements. Experience in writing, layout and / or design is needed, and above all a pathological love for the written word and outreach journalism.
+ IT-manager
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As IT-manager you are responsible for all things computer oriented. This includes mailing lists, website management and a whole load of computer care. You have a good hand with computers and like working with them. Some knowledge of programming is an advantage!
+ Corphotographer
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
As a Corphotographer, you monitor all MF's events and document them in pictures. You have a great deal of personal integrity and self-control, which means that you can be sober and take photographs, even in festive contexts.
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
As a MIFFO, you responsible for providing food and fun games at all event organized for MF’s active members (foremen)! What is required? Gastronomic abilities, a never ending happy mood, an ability to convey a timeless MF spirit and tell classic stories, pass on traditions and share gossip within the association. For the latter characteristics, you preferably have a longer involvement within the Medical Association behind you.
+ House Foreman, Malmö Locus
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 2
As a House Foreman for Locus Medicus Malmoensis you are responsible for all bookings regarding Malmö Locus. As a house foreman, you possess good communication skills and you are able to be in Malmö on a regular basis. The post is a heavy administrative post, so a fondness of administration and finance is a must.
+ Malmö Master
Call Period: April and October
Number of Posts: 2
As a Malmö master at Locus Medicus Malmoensis, you are a form of pub and event master in Malmö. You are responsible for organizing pub nights and other events in Malmö on a regular basis, and in together with the House Foremen bring Locus Medicus Malmoensis to life and offer the students in Malmö wonderful MF events.
+ Chairman KIRU
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
As KIRU Chairman, your responsibility is to arrange surgical workshops for our students. You have a great interest in surgery and an ability to find and coordinate students, or other parties, who have enough knowledge to lead a workshop regarding surgery.
+ Tandem General
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
Every year in mid-May, the big tandem relay is held. Approximately one thousand Lund students bike from Gothenburg to Lund on tandem bikes. Medicinska Föreningen is naturally a participant, as a part of Corpus Medicum. As a Tandem General, you are responsible for all practical details before the trip, such as arranging a bus, bicycle, contact with the organizers, etc. In addition, you are responsible for picking out the team, and to make sure that all goes according to plan during the big Tandem race day. You possess good collaboration and organization skills. You are also creative and solution oriented and work well under pressure.
+ Students in Research
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
+ Conductor, MF-band
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
+ Deputy Conductor, MF-band
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
Other Positions of Trust
Medicinska Föreningen also has a number of other positions important for the associations activities.
+ Archivist
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As an Archivist, you are responsible for gathering, storing and organizing all that can be of historical value to our association. You preserve knowledge about our organization and make sure that nothing is forgotten.
+ Senior College Member
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 5
The Senior College consists of previously active and former full-time employees within the association. The Collegiate is headed by the Inspector. The purpose is to assist with knowledge and memories from ancient days. You should have been properly engaged in the association but may have stepped down a bit now.
+ Auditor, authorised
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As an Auditor, you review Medicinska Föreningen’s activities.
+ Operational Auditor
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
As an Auditor, you review Medicinska Föreningen’s activities. You should have good knowledge of MF and must not simultaneously have any other positions of trust within MF.
Student Representative posts
As a student representative, you represent students in matters vis-à-vis the faculty and universities. Therefore, it is, therefore, important that you can represent the students’ best interests and want to influence the education and the students' environment at the university.
Faculty of Medicine
+ The Faculty of Medicine Board MFS
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
As a student representative in MFS, you represent the students in faculty-wide strategic issues. The post is paid.
+ The Undergraduate Education Board GUN (2)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
Within GUN, you represent the students in matters concerning educational quality on a more general level than the program level. You get to participate and discuss and decide on all the most important issues regarding all undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Medicine. GUN is the highest decision-making body regarding educational issues at the faculty. The post is paid.
+ The Teacher Proposal Committee (o)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Teacher Proposal Committee prepares all who want to be employed at the faculty as teachers. Those who are employed teachers at the faculty are those who are responsible for the education and to a large extent those who teach. As a student representative you have the chance to influence who is hired as a teacher. The post is paid.
+ The Teacher Proposal Committee (s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Teacher Proposal Committee prepares all who want to be employed at the faculty as teachers. Those who are employed teachers at the faculty are those who are responsible for the education and to a large extent those who teach. As a student representative you have the chance to influence who is hired as a teacher.
+ Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Committee
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Committee discusses issues relating to gender equality, equal treatment, discrimination, etc. at a faculty-wide level. As a student representative, you are responsible for promoting and highlighting students' opinions and any problems. The committee has about two meetings per semester. Issues that are discussed include the gender distribution in the employment of teachers, how to handle cases of discrimination and the university's overall work with equal treatment and gender equality.
Institutional Boards
+ Board for EMV (o)(s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Department of Experimental Medical Science (EMV) is one of six departments at the Faculty of Medicine. In the department's board, strategic decisions are made about the research activities and there are discussions about everything from finances to the working environment. As a student representative, you provide a student perspective in the discussions and also have the right to vote in decisions. You will learn a lot about research, organization and business thinking. The position suits you who are interested in research or working within the faculty in the future!
2 meetings/semester approx. 2 hours each time. Read more about EMV's research activities HERE!
+ Board for IKVL (o) (s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund (IKVL), is one of six departments at the Faculty of Medicine. In the department's board, strategic decisions are made about the research activities and there are discussions about everything from finances to the working environment. As a student representative, you provide a student perspective in the discussions and also have the right to vote in decisions. You will learn a lot about research, organization and business thinking. The position suits you who are interested in research or working within the faculty in the future!
3 meetings/semester approx. 2 hours each time. Read more about IKVL's research activities HERE!
+ Board for IKVM (o)(s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö (IKVM), is one of six departments at the Faculty of Medicine. In the department's board, strategic decisions are made about the research activities and there are discussions about everything from finances to the working environment. As a student representative, you provide a student perspective in the discussions and also have the right to vote in decisions. You will learn a lot about research, organization and business thinking. The position suits you who are interested in research or working within the faculty in the future!
3 meetings/semester approx. 2 hours each time. Read more about IKVM's research activities HERE!
+ Board for ILM (o)(s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Department of Laboratory Medicine (ILM) is one of six departments at the Faculty of Medicine. In the department's board, strategic decisions are made about the research activities and there are discussions about everything from finances to the working environment. As a student representative, you provide a student perspective in the discussions and also have the right to vote in decisions. You will learn a lot about research, organization and business thinking. The position suits you who are interested in research or working within the faculty in the future!
2-3 meetings/semester approx. 2 hours each time. Read more about ILM's research activities HERE!
+ Board for ITM (o) (s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Department of Translational Medicine (ITM) is one of six departments at the Faculty of Medicine. In the department's board, strategic decisions are made about the research activities and there are discussions about everything from finances to the working environment. As a student representative, you provide a student perspective in the discussions and also have the right to vote in decisions. You will learn a lot about research, organization and business thinking. The position suits you who are interested in research or working within the faculty in the future!
2-3 meetings/semester approx. 2 hours each time. Read more about ITM's research activities HERE!
Program boards and committees under PNL
PNL stands for Programnämnden Läkarprogrammet (Program Board for the Doctor of Medicine Program). These committees therefore deal with international issues, examination issues and student social affairs linked to the Doctor of Medicine Program.
+ PNL Committee Member (o)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 4
Program committee for the medical program.
+ PNL Committee Member (s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 4
Program committee for the medical program.
+ International Committee PNL (o)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ International Committee PNL (s)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ Study Social Committee PNL
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The Study Social Committee consists of four teacher representatives, one of whom serves as chair and another as vice-chair, along with two student representatives. The Study Social Committee meets twice per semester: one full-day meeting (6 hours) and one half-day meeting (3 hours).
The committee has a presidium that meets before and between the committee meetings. The presidium consists of the chair of the Study Social Committee, the vice-chair, and one of the student representatives. The student representatives decide among themselves who will attend the upcoming presidium meeting. The presidium meets 4–5 times per semester, with each meeting lasting 1–2 hours.
Before the meetings, you as a student representative are expected to familiarize yourself with the cases to be discussed. Examples of cases handled include exemptions from eligibility requirements, individual study plans, credit transfers, study breaks, and resumption of studies. Since sensitive information is discussed, everything said during the meetings is confidential. All meetings are held during daytime, usually on-site at BMC in Lund.
The position is compensated. Meeting fee is paid per hour.
+ Examination Committee PNL
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The examination committee is working with creating as just and good examinations within each course as possible. If new examinations are tried the proposition will always go through the examination committee first. The committee works continuously with having updated examination that goes hand in hand with the development of the education. The post is paid.
+ Management Group preklin PNL
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The Management Group for preklin includes all employees with management assignments at the semesters 1-5 of the medical program, as well as student representatives. The management group functions as a discussion forum to increase and maintain good cooperation through the preclinical semesters. As a student representative in the group, you get the chance to directly discuss course issues with those responsible for the program.
+ Management Group klin PNL
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The Management Group for klin includes all employees with management assignments at the semesters 6-11 of the medical program, as well as student representatives. The management group functions as a discussion forum to increase and maintain good cooperation through the clinical semesters. As a student representative in the group, you get the chance to directly discuss course issues with those responsible for the program.
+ Syllabus Preparation Committee PNL
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The group for syllabus preparation within PNL does exactly as it sounds: prepares syllabi for the medical program. The syllabi are the documents that teachers must comply with by law, and it is therefore important that we students have a say when writing syllabi.
Program boards and committees under PNM
PNM stands for the Program Board for the Master Programs. These committees therefore deal with international issues, examination issues and student social affairs linked to the Biomedicine bachelor and master programs as well as the Master in Public Health program.
+ PNM Committee Member (o) (biomed. bachelor)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNM stands for the Program Board for master's programs. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNM Committee Member (s) (personal biomed. bachelor)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNM stands for the Program Board for master's programs. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNM Committee Member (o) (biomed. master)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNM stands for the Program Board for master's programs. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNM Committee Member (s) (personal biomed. master)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNM stands for the Program Board for master's programs. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNM Committee Member (o) MPH
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
PNM stands for the Program Board for master's programs. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNM Committee Member (s) (personal MPH)
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
PNM stands for the Program Board for master's programs. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ Study Social Committee PNM (o) (biomed.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The Study Social Committee grants exemption from semester locks, handles students dropping out and joining programs, as well as credit grants to students who believe that they have studied similar courses that the program offers. The post is paid.
+ Study Social Committee PNM (o) (MPH)
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
The Student Committee grants exemption from semester locks, handles students dropping out and joining programs, as well as credit grants to students who believe that they have studied similar courses that the program offers. The post is paid.
+ Examination Committee PNM
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 3
The examination committee is working with creating as just and good examinations within each course as possible. If new examinations are tried the proposition will always go through the examination committee first. The committee works continuously with having updated examination that goes hand in hand with the development of the education. The post is paid.
+ International Committee PNM (o)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ Management Group (biomed. bachelor)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Management Group includes all employees with management assignments at the bachelor’s program in biomedicine, as well as student representatives. The management group functions as a discussion forum to increase and maintain good cooperation through the semesters of the bachelor’s program in biomedicine. As a student representative in the group, you get the chance to directly discuss course issues with those responsible for the program.
+ Management Group (biomed. master)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Management Group includes all employees with management assignments at the master’s program in biomedicine, as well as student representatives. The management group functions as a discussion forum to increase and maintain good cooperation through the semesters of the master’s program in biomedicine. As a student representative in the group, you get the chance to directly discuss course issues with those responsible for the program.
Program boards and committees under PNR
PNR stands for the Program Board for the Rehabilitation Programs. These committees therefore deal with international issues, examination issues and student social affairs linked to the Audiology and Speech Therapy programs, amongst others.
+ PNR Committee Member (o) (log.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNR stands for the Program Board for Rehabilitation Education. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNR Committee Member (s) (personal log.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNR stands for the Program Board for Rehabilitation Education. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNR Committee Member (o) (aud.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNR stands for the Program Board for Rehabilitation Education. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNR Committee Member (s) (personal aud.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNR stands for the Program Board for Rehabilitation Education. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNR Committee Member (o) (physio)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNR stands for the Program Board for Rehabilitation Education. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ PNR Committee Member (s) (personal physio)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
PNR stands for the Program Board for Rehabilitation Education. As a student representative in program committees, you are involved in quality assurance of education and course plans, you also review the financial statements for courses, programs and educations. You are the link between the program committee and your education council. The committee meets about once a month. The post is paid.
+ International Committee (o) (aud.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ International Committee (s) (aud.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ International Committee (o) (log.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ International Committee (s) (log.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ International Committee (o) (physio)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ International Committee (s) (physio)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The international committee has about 2 meetings / semester, of about 2-3 hours. An hour of preparation time beforehand is required. The committee deals with issues relating to the internationalization of the program, existing opportunities, exchange contracts, etc. The post is paid.
+ Study Social Committee (o) (aud.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Student Committee grants exemption from semester locks, handles student dropping out and joining programs, as well as credit grants to students who believe that they have studied similar courses that the program offers. The post is paid.
+ Study Social Committee (o) (log.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Student Committee grants exemption from semester locks, handles student dropping out and joining programs, as well as credit grants to students who believe that they have studied similar courses that the program offers. The post is paid.
+ Study Social Committee (o) (physio)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 1
The Student Committee grants exemption from semester locks, handles student dropping out and joining programs, as well as credit grants to students who believe that they have studied similar courses that the program offers. The post is paid.
+ Management Group (aud.)
Call Period: April
Number of Posts: 2
The Management Group includes all employees with management assignments at the audiologist program, as well as student representatives. The management group functions as a discussion forum to increase and maintain good cooperation through the audiology semesters. As a student representative in the group, you get the chance to directly discuss course issues with those responsible for the program.
Other Working Groups
+ ETP-committee
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
ETP är den pedagogiska akademin på fakulteten där framstående lärare kan väljas in. Lärare med hög grad av pedagogisk skicklighet, bred erfarenhet inom utbildning och stort intresse för pedagogisk utveckling kan ansöka om medlemskap i den pedagogiska akademin och som studentrepresentant i ETP-nämnden får du vara med och välja in vilka lärare som ska få vara med i akademin.
+ ETP Assessment Group
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
Bedömargruppen inom ETP har i uppgift att intervjua lärare som ansöker om att få komma med i akademin. Läraren ges här möjlighet att muntligen fördjupa och utveckla de teman och exempel som anges i den pedagogiska portföljen. Som studentrepresentant i bedömargruppen får du vara med på dessa intervjuer och är då delaktig i processen för inval i ETP.
+ The Huntington Center
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1
+ The Neuronano Center
Call Period: October
Number of Posts: 1