Medicinska Föreningen (MF) is one of Lund’s oldest student associations, and was founded as early as 1894, with the aim of "working for a closer association between the students within the Faculty of Medicine". Today, the association mainly fulfills two important functions: an education-monitoring function and a social function. The Medical Association works partly to monitor education, so the educations maintain the highest quality possible. But also with social activities, so that our members have access to a rich and entertaining student life.

Medicinska Föreningen includes students from the medical program, biomedical programs, physiotherapist program, the educations in audiology and speech therapy as well as students studying a master's program in public health. Because the programs are divided between Lund and Malmö, our association is active in both cities. However, most of our social activities take place in Lund, on Tunavägen 5, in a large white villa donated by Holger Crafoord. The villa is called Locus Medicus Lundensis, and houses the committees Ärtan, Brunchen and Puben, among others. The social activities in Malmö are mainly found at Locus Medicus Malmoensis, an old church chapel that became part of the association in 2011.


How does the association work?

Medicinska Föreningen is a student association run for and by students. The members elect a General Council, consisting of 21 members, which represents their views. The council is the highest decision-making body that meets once a month to decide things such as the budget, business plan, elect the board, chairmen and student representatives, and discuss the business in general.

The day-to-day operations are managed by the Board, which consists of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and five members with different areas of responsibility. They oversee all activities and are the highest executive body in the Medical Association. In order to be able to make the best possible decisions, they are supported by various advisory bodies such as the Senior College, the Faculty of Medicine and the Inspectors.


Medicinska Föreningen arranges and holds over a hundred activities and meetings every year. Arranging all of these would be way too much work for only seven people. That is why foremen, committee chairmen and student representatives are elected to run our committees and monitor the education. Everyone who is a member of the Medical Association can become foreman, committee chairman and student representative. To apply, you fill out the form on this page, here you can also see which posts are accepting applications. You are then interviewed by the Nomination Committee, which nominates one of the applicants to the General Council. It is the General Council that during its meetings votes on who to pick for the post.

However, you do not have to be a foreman, committee chairman or student representative to get involved. Our social committees offer lots of fun job opportunities for all students who want to get involved in social activities. In addition, each education has its own education council. Getting involved in an education council is a perfect way to influence your education! How to apply for a work shift or get involved in your education council can be found on each committees page.